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Taxsutra ATOLL
Petitioner/ Complainant/ Appellant/ Applicant Name
Type of Cases
Select an option
Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling
Application for Advance Ruling
Bail application
Civil Appeal
Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
Civil Application
Civil Writ Jurisdiction
Commercial Execution Application
Contempt Civil Case
Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction
Criminal Miscellaneous Application
Criminal Miscellaneous Bail
Criminal Miscellaneous Jurisdiction
Criminal Petition
Criminal Revision Application
Interim bail application
Interlocutory Application
Review Petition
Service Tax Appeal
Special Civil Application
Writ Appeal
Writ Petition
Writ Tax
Select an option
Competition Commission of India
Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal
Sessions Court
Supreme Court
High Court
Select an option
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Daman and Diu
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Punjab and Haryana
Tamil Nadu
Udham Singh Nagar
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
In Favour of
Select an option
Not applicable
Not Available
Nature of Issues
Constitution of AAR
Quorum of AAR
Procedure on AAR application
AAR order passed after 90 days
Admission/Rejection of application
Application to be decided within 90 days
Binding on Applicant who has sought it
Declining to rule on application
Declining to rule on application : GST Refund claim
Declining to rule on application : Reimbursement of GST
Declining to rule on application : Supply rendered before filing the application
Declining to rule on application : Surrender of registration
Declining to rule on application- Absent relevant documents
Definition of ' Applicant '
Delay / Non-filing of application fees
Difference in opinion of Advanced Authority members
Manual filing of advance ruling application
Pending application
Product yet to be manufactured
Proposed Transaction / Hypothetical Transaction / Unmaterialized Transaction
Rectification of Order
Rejection of Application - Failure to comply Statutory Provisions
Rejection of Application- Failure to appear before Authority
Rejection of withdrawal of application
Withdrawal of application
Scope and Jurisdiction of AAR
Admissibility of CENVAT credit under Transitional provisions
Application by recipient of service
Application declined as outside purview of AAR
Application not made by service provider
Application w.r.t ITC availment by dealer
Clarification on procedure and applicability of Foreign Trade Policy
Documentation required for supply of goods/services to SEZ
E-way bill procedure
GSTR - 1 Procedure
Inability to complete registration as Casual Taxable Person due to GSTN Portal problems;
Interest applicability
Mere ‘academic interest’ in question framed'
Notifications / Circulars issued under another law
Place of supply
Procedure for issue of Commercial Credit notes
Question of separate registration
Society membership fee
Tax Invoice, Credit Notes Debit Notes
TDS u/s.51
Transfer of ITC lying in electronic credit ledger
Transitional credit availability
Whether Gear Motors can be classified as Gears and Gearings
Construction Service
Preferential Location Charges
Car-parking space
Preferential Location Charges
Anti-Profiteering Measures
Applicability/Scope of Anti profiteering provisions
Application by other person
Blocked credit
Branch transfers
Combo packs
Complaint by Third Party
Costs incurred only due to GST implementation
Interpreting 'Rate of tax' u/s 171
Issuance of Credit note on provisional computation of profiteering
Jurisdiction of Commissioner
Multiple items
Powers of DGAP
Promotional Supplies
Real estate project launched in post GST regime
Constitution of NAA and due process of conducting NAA proceeding
Constitution of NAA
Deposit of principal profiteered amount in installments
Examination of application by Standing and Screening Committee
Furnishing of Information to DGAP
Furnishing of Information to DGAP - COVID-19 implication on NAA proceedings
Furnishing of Information to DGAP - Issue of Summons
Judicial Proceedings
Order of authority
Period of investigation
Procedure of in NAA proceedings
Procedure of in NAA proceedings - Opportunity of being heard
Consumer Welfare Fund
DGAP's faulty investigation / Rejection of DGAP Report
Additional benefit of ITC
Average base price calculation
Denial of ITC
Different base prices
Dynamic Pricing
Early bird offers
Exclusion of sales data
Further investigation/Re-investigation
Further investigation/Re-investigation : Discrepancy in data
Further investigation/Re-investigation : Non-submission of complete data
Further investigation/Re-investigation : Recomputation of profiteered amount
Increase in base price to offset ITC denial
Increase in base prices
Increase in cost of input
Invoice wise taxable turnover
ITC calculation
Item code wise transactions
Mathematical methodology for profiteering computation
Price variation due to Seasonality
Ratio between ITC and taxable turnover
Reduction in overall profitability
Rejection of DGAP Report
Scrutiny of Returns
Verification of Respondent's claim
Weighted Average Price
Duties and powers of NAA
Inordinate and arbitrary delay in NAA order
Suo motu investigation
Guilty / Not Guilty
Guilty plea
Increase in Base Price
Super stockist
Guilty of Profiteering
Abnormal increase in profits
Acceptance of DGAP report absent challenge by respondent
Applicability of pre-GST State Government directive
Availment of ITC in post-GST period
Average Base price of products
Benefit of exemption not extended to customers
Booking of flats in pre-GST period but payment made in post GST period
Case of Affordable Housing Project
Challenge to CGST Rules
Challenge to DGAP methodology to compute profiteered amount
Co-incidence of price-increase & rate-reduction
Comparable period
Deliberate violation
Discarding of taxable turnover as per returns
Discount not construable as passing on ITC benefit
Distinct/Dynamic Pricing
Effect of Withdrawal of Complaint
Fastening liability on dealers
High Profit Margins
Increase in Base Price
Increase in Base Price : In-spite of reduction in tax rate
Increase in cost of inputs
Increase in price to correct Excessive tax burden
Inverted duty structure w.r.t. NAA
ITC denial / Non-reversal of ITC on closing stock
Methodology to compute additional ITC benefit
MRP irrelevant considering sale at discounted price
Multiple products
Net tax incidence
Non completion of real estate project
Non passing of benefit by manufacturer to retailer
Non passing of ITC benefit
Non reduction of base prices
Non reduction of base prices : Subsequent non-reduction in base price despite rate cut, to compensate earlier non-increase in price despite rate increase
Non-availment of ITC in pre-GST period
Not Passing CVD benefit
Opaque exercise of powers by NAA
Passing benefit vide discount
Passing of benefit after issuance of show cause notice
Passing reduction in rate/ITC benefit of one supply by reducing price of another supply
Pre-GST vs Post GST rate comparison
Price comparability on account of Sales Promotion Schemes
Ratio of ITC pre & post GST
Ratio of ITC to taxable turnover
Reference by the State Screening Committee
Role of state authorities in fixing price of products
Royalty and advertisement charges on the increased net taxable sales
Sale of flats in installments
Sale of Residential/Commercial Units
Sale of villa without passing additional ITC benefit
Sales returns
Setting of Prices
State Regulations cannot supersede the provisions of CGST Act
State Screening Committee reference
Subsequent GST rate reduction benefit not passed on
Tax avoidance
Transitional credit carried forward from pre GST era not new credit
Variance in methodology from customer to customer basis
Methods and Procedure for computation of profiteered amount
Adjustment of discount against passing ITC benefit
Calculation of Profiteered Amount
Calculation of Profiteered Amount - Arbitrary 'profiteering' calculation
Calculation of Profiteered Amount - Mathematical methodology for profiteering amount calculation
Calculation of Profiteered Amount - Timing of ITC benefit passing in an incomplete residential project
Calculation of Profiteered Amount - Timing of passing of ITC benefit
Calculation of Profiteered Amount- Lack of reliable and cogent evidence by Respondent
Cost incurred or to be incurred irrelevant for computing profiteered amount
CVD Benefit
Entity level computation
Individual computation at invoice level
Measures w.r.t. Timeframe for passing ITC benefit
Non reduction of base prices : Non reduction of pre-GST base price of flats
Pan-India computation
Passing of ITC Benefit- Lack of sufficient evidence by Respondent
Price commensurate with tax deductions
Price commensurate with tax deductions - AAR pending
Product level computation
Re-examination of profiteering claims
Reduction of base price nullifying profiteering
Stock keeping units level
Validity of Project Completion Certificate
Zeroing methodology
Not Guilty of Profiteering
Discount reduction
Increase in Base price due to discount reduction
Increase in Base Price where tax rate has increased
Increase of tax rate post GST
Increase sales price due to increase in cost of product
ITC to taxable turnover ratio
Launch of real estate project in post GST period
No accumulation of ITC in pre-GST period
No change in tax rate
No GST charged before and after rate reduction
No Increase in Base Price
No increase in tax rate
No supporting documents
Non availment of ITC in post-GST period
Non-availment of ITC in pre-GST period
Post GST profit margin less than pre GST profit margin
Reference by State Screening Committee
Sale of Residential Flats for consideration
Withdrawal of discount
Penalty proceedings
Condonation of delay in applying for AAAR
Declines ruling
Delay / Non-filing of application fees
Delay in filing appeal
Difference of opinion of members
Remand matter to original authority
Reversal of AAR for transcending the scope and jurisdiction
Scope and jurisdiction
Alternate Statutory remedy u/s107
Appeal before CESTAT
Appeal not to be filed / non-appealable decisions and orders
Appeals before appellate tribunal
Assessee's failure to avail remedy
Assistant Commissioner cannot refuse to comply with Order passed by Commissioner (Appeals)
Cannot dismiss application without cogent reason
Constitution of appellate tribunal
Constitution of GSTAT and eligibility of lawyers for appointment as judicial members
Deposit of Amount pre-requisite for hearing appeal
Doctrine of “separation of powers”
Electronic Filing
Enclosing Certified copy of Order
Filed before wrong forum
Merit based hearing
Payment of Pre-deposit
Payment of pre-deposit from Electronic Credit Ledger
Rationalization of administration of tribunals
Restriction on appointment of tribunal members
Setting up of Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT)
Striking down of Section 109(3) and 109(9) and Section 110(1)(b)(iii) of CGST Act, 2017
Appeals before HC and SC
Additional court fee
Court fee
Jurisdiction and scope of HC and SC
Non-disclosure of material facts
Premature petitions
Appeals before Revisional Authority
Time limit for filing an appeal
Condonation of delay in filing appeal
Delay due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Delay in filing appeal
To be filed by person aggrieved
Applicability/ Scope and Procedures for Reverse Charge Mechanism
'Maintenance & Repair service' by foreign-entity
Advertisement Services provided by Local Authority
Applicability of Reverse Charge Mechanism to Legal Practitioners
Applicability to lottery distributors procuring tickets from other state
CIF Contracts
Shipping line / freight forwarder
Contribution to trusts
Dead/Royalty/Surface rent payable for Transfer of right to use minerals, exploration and evaluation
Forbearance payments
Forest permit fee
GTA services
GTA services for transportation of cotton seed oil cake (khal)
Interest on late payment of imported goods
Receipt of shipping service from the warehouse agent outside India
Imports by Government
Non-issuance of consignment note
Ocean freight
Online supply of service by person located outside India to person located outside India
Purchase of Scrap/Used vehicles from Government or Local Authority
Reinstatement/access charges paid to municipal authorities
Remuneration paid to the Directors
Renting of immovable property
Representational Services
Service for the right to use minerals including its exploration and evaluation
Upfront Payment made as Advance
Services by Central / State Government, UT or any Local Authority
Services from unregistered persons
Services from unregistered transporter
Services provided by local authorities
Supervision services to Government department
Supply of online educational journals/periodicals to IIM
Tax exemption on RCM
‘Royalty' for mining lease
Assessment Procedures
Assessment of unregistered persons
Assessment procedures w.r.t. refund claim
Availability of alternate remedy
Relegated to statutory appeal
Best Judgement Assessment
Failure to file return in time pursuant to best judgement assessment
Strict construction of taxing statute
Time limit prescribed 'directory'
Cryptic/ unreasoned order
Effective communication
Communications sent through e-Portal
Notice to legal-representative of deceased
Service of notice by e-mail
Timelines for serving notice
Filing of writ petition pending appeal
Finalizing assessment
Assessment on the day when hearing was listed
Difference in opinions of Judges
Order passed after giving written-representation opportunity
Rectification Application
Garnishee proceedings
Against Deceased Person
Case under investigation stage
Failure to provide documentary evidence
Fake availment of ITC
Misconceived interpretation of Section
Reviewing of the evidence
Soliciting details for investigation
Spot Memo issued
Legitimate Expectation Principle
Mandatory hearing opportunity
One Adjudicating-Authority for multiple SCN
Orders suffer from fundamental flaws
Absence of Detailed order
Absence of Reasoned Order
Non-service of notice
Unsigned order
Pending NCLT proceedings
Practical Difficulties of GSTN
Rectification of Errors
Review decision
Re-consideration of proceedings
Show cause notice
Absence of reasonable opportunity to respond
Allows issuance simultaneously with Audit u/s 65
Bunching of SCNs
Defective Show cause notice
File detailed reply to Show Cause Notice
Genuine reasons for non-responsiveness to SCN
Instructions to not issue notices
Issuance of show cause notice
Parallel proceedings
Pre show-cause notice consultation
Restriction for entertainment of writ jurisdiction at SCN stage
Scope and jurisdiction
Served through GST online portal
Time limit for issuance
Time barring assessments
Time limit for passing assessments
Transfer of investigation
VAT assessment under GST regime
Period of limitation
Withdrawal of the assessment orders
Classification of Goods and Services
Cannot use Different Codes for Commodity while Exporting
Classification of packing containers and packing materials
Conflict between various headings
Meaning of "Per Unit"
Pluralities of exemptions
Principles and rules classification
Composition, Essential character
Essential "parts" of warship/submarine entitled to concessional rate benefit
Finished articles presented as Assembled/Disassembled classified in same heading
Maintenance, Repair or Overhaul Services of aircrafts, aircraft engines and other aircraft components or parts
Partial information revealed to sought to claim decision in favour
Reliance on product literature published by taxpayer
Single Supply
Sole and Principle use test for classifying parts of machinery as machinery
Specific entry vs general entry
Strict interpretation of notifications
Violation of basic principles of classification
Composition Levy
Confiscation or penalty not to interfere with other punishments
Due date extension
Eligibility conditions under Composition levy scheme
Interpretation of phrase 'preceding financial year'
Turnover Limit
Technical Glitches under Composition Levy
Confiscation of goods or conveyances and levy of penalty.
Confiscation / Detention of goods
Change of route
Excess stock is found at the time of survey
Legality & validity of order of confiscation
No nexus with penal proceedings
Release of goods pending delayed conclusion of proceedings
Release of Perishable Goods
Invocation of Sec 130 without recourse to sec 129
Provisional release of confiscated goods
Deposit of security
Provision of bank guarantee
Restrictions on bank guarantee encashment
Release of goods on payment of penalty
Release of goods on payment of tax
Constitutional remedies
Powers of SC
Stay of operation
Constitutional validity
Assignment of functions of proper officer
Blocked credit provisions
Collection /Levy of Entertainment Tax
Constitutional Validity of 'power to arrest'
Constitutional validity of Anti-Profiteering measures
Constitutional Validity of CBIC Circular / Notification
Lacks authority to settle dispute
Mistake in Circular / Notification
Constitutional validity of Reverse Charge Mechanism
Constitutional validity of Transitional Provisions
Constitutionality of Maharashtra GST Savings Act
Contrary views in Circular and Provisions
Curtailment of export benefits under the Advance Authorisation Scheme of FTP
Deferment of implementation of Act
Delegation of Powers
Export of Services
General vs Specific provision
IGST on Imports
Place of supply for intermediary service provider
Powers of Municipality
Powers of State to amend MVAT
Judicial Encroachment
Power to legislate, amend
Pre-deposit for filing appeal
Refund of unutilized ITC
Repeal Provisions
Sanction of law
Violation of Article 14
Expansive & explicit savings provision
Rebate of IGST to certain class of exporters
Savings clause
Vested Right
Detention , seizure and release of goods and conveyances in transit
Abuse of power w.r.t. Detention and seizure of goods and conveyances in transit
Detention of goods outside jurisdiction
Seizure of Cash/ Currency
Detention or seizure of documents
Documents seized without cogent reasons
Detention order
Conduct de novo adjudication
Detention not necessary in case of Assessee's co-operation
Detention order served on truck driver instead of assessee
unjustified order
Unreasoned order
Detention, seizure & release of goods and conveyance
Breakdown of vehicle
Clandestine approach of driver
Collection of tax through coercion
Deposit of tax/penalty
Discrepancy in the valuation
Evasion prone commodity
Family Wedding
Goods directly moved to job-worker
Goods' transfer for stock movement
Misconception between Bond and Bank Guarantee
No discrepancy found on inspection/verification
No intention of tax evasion
Non-interference with Show-cause notice
Operational convenience of the transporter
Ownership of Goods in Question
Provisional release of goods
Re-seizure of perishable goods in transit already suffered tax and penalty
Release of goods absent authority of law
Release of goods on COVID-19 ground
Release of goods on indemnity bond
Release of goods pending delayed conclusion of proceedings
Suspicion of mis-classification
Tax or penalty Liability fully discharged
Time lag between issuance of invoice and transportation of goods
Transit Declaration Form
Wrong destination due to unfamiliar roads
E-way Bills
Change of vehicle
Clerical mistake
E-way Bill (for Inspection, Search, Seizure and Arrest)
Human / bonafide error
Inconsistency with other E-way bills
Inconsistency with other E-way bills : Alternate route opted by driver
Non-generation of e-way bill / Non-production of E-way bill
Non-mention of tax details
Seizure before introduction of E-Way Bill requirement
Technical mistake under E-way Bill (for Inspection, Search, Seizure and Arrest)
Validity of E-way Bill
Value of consignment doe not exceeds limit
Inspection of goods in movement
Release of goods citing irreparable damage due to detention
Release of goods detained for improper classification
Release of goods on E-way bill regeneration
Release of goods on regeneration of expired E-way bills
Seizure of Goods sent on returnable basis/for demonstration
E-way bill error/discrepancies
State provisions analogous to IGST
Verification of documents and conveyances
Discrepancy in documentation
Administrative support services
Customs frontier
Duty paying scrips/Duty credit scrips
Location of supplier and place of supply in India
Consultation services to AIF set-up in India
Merchant Trade Transaction
Goods procured by vendor outside India, not brought into India
Goods shipped directly by vendor outside India, to customer outside India
No GST on sale/purchase of Duty Free Import Authorization (DFIA)
Outward supplies to foreign-run merchant vessels
Sales through duty free shops
Sales to outbound passengers
Scope of Exports
Export of Services
Theory of Elimination
Zero Rated Supply
Export of electrical energy
Exports of goods through FPO
Foreign Trade Policy
Advance Authorisation Issuance
Quashing of DGFT Circular
Grievance Redressal
IT Grievance Redressal Committee
Interest for non-payment due to technical glitches
Review of issues by IT-Grievance Redressal Cell
Role of Nodal officers
Power and responsibilities of Chairman and the CEO, GSTN
GST Compensation
Release of compensation
Interpretation of the word ''shall'' in release of compensation
GST compensation cess
Applicability of compensation cess
Exemption from Compensation Cess
Ground Clearance of vehicle
Methodology for determining ground clearance of vehicles
Sports Vehicle
Input tax credit on Compensation Cess
Purchase of motor vehicles by renting business
Set off against Clean Energy Cess
GST Council
GST Council decisions
GST council recommendations
Direction to GST Council to review tax structure of Solar Projects in consultation with CBIC and Ministry of Renewable Energy
Directives to council
Notification in conflict with Council’s recommendation
Representation before GST-Council
Writ against GST Council
Lack of relevant documents
GST Network
Machine Error
RTI Query
Confidentiality of the minutes of GSTN Board meeting
Technical Modalities
GST returns
Credit carry forward in GSTR-3B
Delay in filing returns
Electronic Credit Ledger
Extension for GST Returns
Extension for GSTR - 9 / 9A filing
Extension for GSTR 9/9C
Form and manner
Annual return GSTR-9
Companies undergoing corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP)
Discrepancy in GSTR 3B and Form 26AS
Discrepancy in GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B
Discrepancy in GSTR-3B & GSTR-2A
Discrepancy in GSTR-3B & GSTR-2B
Disparity between documents
GSTR - 3
Recording & Distributing ISD credit
GSTR-6 ultra vires Section 140
Inadvertent errors
Consultant's failure to inform
Typographical errors
Non-Filing of Returns
Correction of human error
Rectification of GSTR-1
Rectification of GSTR-3B
Rectification of same period returns
Time limit for rectification
Technical Glitches in GST Returns
Manual filing
Revision/Rectification of GST Returns
Imports and Import Procedures
Advance Authorisation
Essentiality Certificates
Import of drill bits and subsequent supply to ONGC on consignment basis
Import of drill bits into India
Indigenous movement from the port of import to ONGC's location
Merchant trade transaction w.r.t. imports
Goods shipped directly by vendor outside India to the customer outside India
Pre Import Condition
Information to be furnished before movement of goods
Delivery Note under Form 15 of Kerala VAT Act
Discrepancies in information
Delivery chalan
E-way bill
E-way Bill
Exempt for Goods used for personal / household effect
Intrastate movement of unmanufactured tobacco
Input Tax Credit
Procedural violation affecting substantive right of ITC
Procedures for availment of Input Tax Credit
Apportionment of credit
Availment of excess Input Tax Credit
Blocking ITC without assigning any reason
Nexus between input and final product
One-to-one correlation of inputs with outward supply
Re-credit of ITC
Recovery of credit distributed in excess
Strict Interpretation of Act
Condition / Restriction for ITC availment
Monitoring committee
Proportionate ITC when used partly for business/ taxable supplies
Recovery of ITC wrongly taken
Suspension of GSTR-2 and GSTR-3
Timeframe for passing ITC benefit
Margin Scheme
Second hand goods
Reversal of ITC
Commercial credit notes
Excess availed ITC
Reversals for post-sale discounts
Credit for exempt by-product
Packing material used exclusively for exempt product
Post purchase/Invoice discount offered under through C2FO model
Reversal of ITC if goods become exempt/ taxable person switches to composition scheme
Reversal of ITC for effecting exempt/non-taxable supplies
Reversal of ITC on cancellation of registration
Reversal of ITC on goods lost, stolen, destroyed or written off
Reversal of ITC on non payment to supplier in 180 days
Transition to concessional-rate regime
ITC Denial
Delayed issuance of invoice
Difference of GSTR 2A and GSTR 3B
Failure to provide documentary evidence
Immovable property vs Plant & Machinery
ITC by Input Service Distributor (ISD)
ITC claim on vouchers under loyalty program
ITC of CVD/SAD paid for export obligation non-fulfillment
ITC on Debit Notes issued in different Financial Year than original Invoice
Tax chargeable on reverse charge basis
Tax not reflected in returns
Default on part of supplier/ Non-payment of taxes
Construction of Railway Sidings
Unfettered right to claim ITC
“Taxable supply” vs. “Further supply”
Definition of 'Financial Institution'
Definition of 'goods'
Money as 'goods'
Eligibility of ITC
Blocked Credit - Distinction between Gifts and CSR Expenses
Blocked Credit- Credit Restoration
Blocked Credit- goods lost, stolen, destroyed, written off
Brand Reminders- Goods distributed Free of Cost (FOC)
Burden of proof
Cannot be claimed on account of Registration being blocked/inactive
Cannot claim ITC after due date of furnishing returns
CSR expenses
Distributable & non-distributable promotional materials
Food supplied to contractual worker
ITC on Captive Solar-Plant design/supply/installation
ITC on vouchers and subscription
O&M of support vessels
Operation and Maintenance Services (O & M Services)
PAN India trade payables
Reasons to believe - ITC fraudulently availed
Sale, merger, amalgamation, lease or transfer of a business
Supply to self
Supported by Valid Documents
Tax paid to Government
Test of Permanency
Project Development for Port based smart city
Purchase of LPG gas in bulk
Raw cotton purchased from agriculturist under reverse charge
Real estate brokerage services used for renting out property
Replacement of lift / elevator of building
Retrofitted vehicle
Supply of free food to employees
Transfer fee paid to government
Transportation of employees
Transportation of Goods
Unutilized ITC on transfer of business as going concern
Warranty Charges
Plant and Machinery
Plant and Machinery - Pipeline/Jetties for LNG transportation
Obligatory Services to be provided by employer to employee
Conference and exhibition expenses
Capital goods used for exempt-goods manufacture
Captive consumption of generated electricity
Carriage for disabled persons
Coal handling and distribution charges
Companies undergoing corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP)
Computer / Laptops
Consideration paid by way of book adjustment/ setting-off book debts
Capital goods
Construction contracts
Detachable engineered wood with oak top wooden flooring, glass partition for co-working space
Determination of ITC when used partly for taxable supplies and partly for exempt supply
E-way bill exemption to 'defence formations'
Eligibility of ITC to hotelier
Employee welfare activities
Employee welfare activities - Repair, maintenance of employees' residential accommodation, hospitals, guest houses
Capital goods sent for job work
Branch-HO inter-state supplies where consideration netted off
End usage is personal consumption
Blocked credit - Foundation and construction for attaching equipment to earth
' Bill to Ship to ' Model
Adjustment of company's VAT against director's ITC
Blocked credit
Blocked credit - 50% ITC in respect of Banks, FI, and NBFC
Blocked credit - Free gifts ( Incentives )
Blocked credit - Works contract / immovable property
Blocked credit - Hotels
Blocked credit - Inputs and input services capitalized as immovable property
Blocked credit - Leasing / renting of land for building immovable property
Blocked credit - Office Furniture & Fixtures for immovable property
Blocked credit - Sales promotion
Blocked credit - Services procured for offering free trips
Blocked credit - Timeframe
Non-requirement of input / material is required for such testing and commissioning of network of pipeline
Employee welfare activities - Residential accommodation to GM/MD
Expenses incurred after receiving completion certificates
Medicines used for supply of health care services to in-patients
ITC on supplies at concessional rate of tax
ITC under Zero Rated Supply
ITC w.r.t. Branch transfers
Liquidated damages deduction
Maintenance charges for land lease
Materials, labour used for building repair, furniture & fixture, etc.
Medical services and medicines to employees, pensioners and their dependents
Medicines used for supply of health care services to out-patients
ITC on opting out of composition scheme
Merger amalgamation and sale of business
Motor Vehicle
Motor Vehicle - Demo Cars
Motor Vehicle - Insurance / Servicing / Repair / Maintenance
Motor Vehicle - Passenger vehicles further supplied on lease rent, both
Motor Vehicle - Purchase & Fabrication of Motor Vehicles used for transporting currency & bullions
Motor Vehicle - Purchase of ambulance/motor vehicle
Facility installation i.e. chiller, CCTV, surveillance system, DG Set, etc. by mall developer
ITC on Intermediate Service
Installation of Renewable Power Generation Plant
Financial institution of National Dairy Development Board
Food and beverages for supply of health care services to in-patients
Freight charges for transport of goods from refinery to export warehouse
Goods & services consumed by Ordnance Factory
Goods supplied FOC by distributors as part of CSR
Import of Iron ore
ITC on input invoices of goods or services procured before registration
Installation of chillers, air handling units, lift escalator, travellator, water treatment plant etc. and other facilities in a shopping mall
Issuance of complimentary tickets
ITC on exempt supplies
ITC on goods/ services for erecting infrastructure for telecom service providers
ITC on Immovable property
ITC on Immovable property - Construction of immovable property
ITC on Immovable property - Construction of Marriage halls
ITC on Immovable property - Construction of Warehouse
ITC on Immovable property - Material for construction of building intended to be rented
Inspection, Search, Seizure and Arrest
Non-speaking order w.r.t. seizure of goods
Detention/seizure of documents
Proof of Ownership of Sealed Location
Return of documents seized
Sealing of Godown
Invocation of Indian Penal Code
Bogus firms
Bogus invoices
Powers/ Duties of officers w.r.t. Inspection, Search, Seizure and Arrest
Power of detaining officer
Provisional release of goods and vehicles pending adjudication
Release of goods
Right to life and liberty
Summons w.r.t sec 68
Sealing of Property
Sealing of landlord's property due to GST default by tenant
Search Proceedings
Issue of Guidelines/instructions
Restraining Revenue from taking coercive action
Search at Managing Director's premise
Search without following due procedure
Access to business premises for inspection and audit
Presence of lawyer
Properties not found in searched premises
Unsealing premises citing taxpayers co-operation
Abuse of power w.r.t. Inspection, Search, Seizure and Arrest / Coercive measures
Allegation of physical abuse, manhandling, etc. during interrogation
Search authorization
Seizure of Cash/ Currency
Detention, seizure & release of goods
Release of excavator furnished through electronic media i.e., whatsapp
Seizure of money
Bank Guarantee
Appointment of proper officers
Jurisdiction of Proper Officer
Arrest not necessary in case of Assessee's co-operation
Arrest prior to adjudication / assessment completion
Ipse Dixit of the Tax Department
No formal accusation against Taxpayer
Denial to grant pre-arrest bail
Procedure for arrest in GST evasion cases
Legislative Competency
Notifications ultra vires to Act
Levy and collection
Applicability of GST on petrol and diesel
Applicability of GST on ‘flats completed partially’
Collection under Excess Royalty Collection Contract
Disputed rate of tax
No action until rate fixed pursuant to deposit of surety
No coercive action until rate decided by management
Ex-bond stage
GST liability reduced by the Service Tax
GST on Lease / Rent on immovable properties
Levy and Collection of Customs duty
Rate varies on supply basis
Unauthorised collection of tax
Admission of PIL
Amnesty Scheme
Applicability of Limitation Act
Budgetary Support Scheme
Challenge to GST Provisions
Confiscatory nature of tax rate
Change in Law
Change in tax rates
Constructive and harmonious principles of interpretation
Covid-19 a Force Majeure event
Extra ordinary jurisdiction
GST clearance certificate
GST implementation a Force Majeure Event
Incentive vs. Subsidy
Incorrect reporting of Court Proceedings
Invocation of arbitration clause
Matter to be listed before appropriate bench
Period of limitation
Principles of harmonious construction
Production of Relevant Documents
Provisions interpreted as per scheme of Act
Retrospective application of beneficial Circulars/Notifications
Natural Justice Principles
Disclosure of information
Non-appearance before authorities due to COVID-19
Violation- Assessee's contentions not considered
Violation- No opportunity of being heard
Opportunity to effectively reply/defend
Telephonic Conversations and Exchange of E-Mails
Violation- Non receipt of Notice issued
Violation- Notices issued against taxpayer sent to different address
Offences and penalties
Economic offence of tax evasion
Clandestine removal of goods without issuance invoice
Clandestine removal of goods without payment of tax
Levy of penalty
Aiding/ abating offence/ contravention of provisions
Clerical and typographical error
Ex-parte penalty order
Fictitious sale invoices
GST Penal provisions vs. CrPC
Offences by 'taxable person'
Power to impose penalty
Power to waive penalty/fee/both
Residual Penalty
Supply of goods where tax is not paid/ short paid/ ITC wrongly availed
Payment of dues
Automatic interest liability,
Interest on Delayed Payment of Tax
Interest on ITC in case of belated returns
Retrospective' applicability of Section 50
Scope of liability u/s.50
Payment of tax
Minimum statutory period
Payment of output tax
Pre-registration period tax-payment
Recovery of VAT through assessee-company's director
Scheme of instalment
Voluntary payment prior to issuance of show-cause notice (SCN)
General penalty disciplines
Intent of tax evasion
Non-payment of tax
Penalty for violation of anti-profiteering provisions
Penalty for violation of statutory provision relating to e-way bill
Persons Liable to pay tax
GST on ‘construction service’
Service provided to land owner in lieu of development rights
Place of supply of Goods
Export/ Import of goods
Applicability of GST provisions outside taxable territory
Export Invoice raised without movement of goods
Import invoice without movement of goods
Import of goods at different locations
Supply of stores to foreign going vessels
Supply of stores to foreign going vessels anchored in India
Transfer of title without physical import
Inter-state supply
Supply to client on behalf of third party outside state
Supply of goods to and from SEZ and EOU
Procurement under auction intended for movement to SEZ
Sale of diesel engines
Supply of non-alcoholic beverages
Place of supply of Services
Export/ Import of services
Clinical research services
Photography services
Recipient's location outside India
Services supplied by foreign company through Indian fixed branch office
Storage / distribution / packaging services provided to foreign clients
Supply of backend intermediary services
Inter-state supply
Supply to client on behalf of third party outside state
Liasoning services by Indian Branch office to foreign Head office
Location of supplier of services
IGST Liability
Location of the Works Contractor
Performing services in relation to goods located in India on behalf of foreign buyer
Services to to Principal’s foreign client
Supplier and Recipient of service is located in India
Supply of online gaming services
Supply of services to and from SEZ and EOU
accommodation service to SEZ
Hospitality services by SEZ Co-developer to clients in SEZ
Hotel accommodation & restaurant services consumed outside SEZs
Supply of technical testing services provided from EOU
Supply of warranty services
Warehousing service located in non-taxable territory
Powers/ Duties of officers
Abuse of power
Baseless harassment of Taxpayer
Recovery beyond normal hours
Refusal to grant of copy of statements recorded during investigation
Attachment of property u/s 83
Authorisation of officers of State tax/ Union territory tax as proper officer
Constitution/re-constitution of Refund Approval Committee (RAC)
Notice to members of RAC
Functions of Proper Officer
Issue of Forms GST DRC-01 and DRC-01A - optional
Impleadment of GSTN
Amendment on GST portal by authorized signatory
Initiation of Proceedings
No collateral initiation of proceedings on same matter
Transferred of Investigation
Jurisdiction of Proper Officer
Legality and validity of Order
Magistrate's order
Multiple officers conducting investigations without overlapping
Power to Arrest
Power to issue notices, certificates, orders, instructions or directions
Issued electronically through digital signature
Proceedings invoked against third parties
Proper Officer- assigned by Commissioner in Board
Provisional release of goods and vehicles pending adjudication
Quasi-judicial functions
Enforcing Assessee presence
Failure to respond to summons on health grounds
Improper format of summons
No implication of guilt or risk of arrest
Non-appearance before authorities
Presence of lawyer
Prosecution and compounding
Anticipatory Bail
Conditions for granting bail
Fraudulent ITC
GST Fraud
Health grounds
Lack of concrete evidence against accused
Petitioner's age
Statutory right to invoke anticipatory bail
Tax Evasion in connivance with Revenue officers
Violation of bail conditions
Absence of complaint / chargesheet
Accused acting as Middleman
Amount deposited under protest
Aspects to be considered while granting bail
Bail conditions
Bail granted for issuance of bogus bills for tax evasion on execution of personal bond with surety
Bail on Covid-19 ground
Chartered Accountant
Circular trading case
Collection of material evidence
Completion of investigation in time bound manner
Conditional interim bail
Confession under coercion / duress
Creation of bogus firms
Danger to life & liberty
Denial of bail
Denial of bail citing evidence tampering risk
Denial of bail citing fight risk
Execution of bond with surety
Expiry of Statutory period for registering complaint
Fake invoicing/GST Fraud/GST evasion
Filing of Chargesheet
Genuine economic hardships, liquidity crunch
Investigation at a critical stage
Long imprisonment
Non-payment of GST
Offence of false E-way bills
Pre-meditated plan to loot exchequer
Time bound investigation
Willingness to pay tax dues
Wrongful / Fraudulent ITC availment
Civil and criminal liabilities for offences
Denies grant of blanket protection
Denies interference or grant of stay
Criminal jurisprudence concerning vicarious liability of penal provisions
Invocation of Sec 132 without assessment completion
Legislative intent under Sec 138
Non-prosecution due to perpetual absence of assessee
Witness tampering
Recovery and enforcement Procedures
Amount deposited under protest
Attachment of assets
Absence of notice u/s 74
Attachment absent proceedings/pending assessments/ reassessments
Attachment of bank account
Attachment of bank account - Declined
Attachment of bank account : Cash Credit
Attachment of other assets
Attachments must belong to taxable person
Bank Account released after securing Revenue interest
Blocking of Electronic Credit Ledger distinct from provisional attachment
Bond execution
Cannot be against future receivables
Coercive Recovery
De-freeze bank account
Delegation of power for attachment of assets
Direction to taxpayer to investigation proceedings
Encumbrance on bank account
Expiry of provisional attachment order
Issuance of Notice
Liability in specific cases
Lifting of the bank attachment
No opportunity of being heard
Objections to provisional attachment
Provisional attachment
Provisional Attachment order ceases to exist after Demand & Recovery proceedings
Provisional release of bank accounts for payment of employee-salaries
Recovery without assessment
Release of bank account and credit in electronic ledger
Request to be heard received in writing
Retraction of admission
Scope and jurisdiction
Timeframe for attachment of assets
Bank Guarantee encashment
Blocking of Electronic Credit Ledger
Expiry of a period of one year
Coervice Measure of Recovery
Computation of demand in non-fraud cases
Computation u/s. 73
Demand in cases of fraud
Expired E-way bills
Liability on Director for Company dues
No CGST/SGST when IGST payment already made
Solicitation of particulars
Wilful mis-statement
Initiation of recovery proceedings.
Determination of interest liability without initiating adjudication process
Determining liability without initiating proceedings against all parties
Factual Errors in Order
Intimation letter construable as SCN
Liability in case of company in liquidation
No collateral initiation of proceedings on same matter
Proceedings invoked against third parties
Reasons to determine assessee's liability absent in Order
Recovery during investigation
Seek NCLT orders
Uploading of assessment orders on webportal
Interest / Interest quantification
Absence of notice u/s 50
Applicability restricted to Net Liability Automatic
Coercive interest recovery without adjusting ITC
Delayed payment of tax
Determination of interest liability without initiating adjudication process
Reversal of ineligible transitional credit
Self-imposed nature of interest computation
Relaxation for payment of dues on COVID-19 grounds
Solvent security
Adjustment of refund towards recovery proceeding
Clubbing of financial years
Credit to Consumer Welfare Fund
Deficiency Memo
Rectification of deficiencies
Delay in processing refund application
Direction to pass speaking order
Strict application of procedures
Higher rate of duty drawback
Filing of Applications
Electronic Filing
Failure to file
Manual Filing of application
IGST on ocean freight
Inactive Refund Approval Committee
Wilful disobedience of order of Court
Inherent lacunas/No statutory mechanism for refund processing
Interest on delayed refund
Inverted Duty Structure
MVAT Circular
Time barring assessments
Provisional Refund
Re-crediting refund
Refund claim
Amount collected by coercion
Amount wrongly deposited
Computing refund with unit-wise figures
Date of filing application to be treated as date of filing refund claim
Excess payment of tax
Formula of input/output ratio
GST not chargeable
IGST refund on goods availed at concessional rate
IGST refund on zero rated supply
Manual refund application
Multiple inputs and output supplies
Refund of excess duty paid
Refund of excess GST remittance from date of concessional rate notification application
Withholding of Refund
Refund of IGST
Adjustment of interest
Exports on consignment/exhibit basis
IGST for clearance of imports for home consumption
Imports under EPCG scheme during intervening period
Includes Interest on Transitional Period
Regional Energy Account as proof of export
Sanction refund even in case of errors in returns
Shipping Bill as Refund Application
Supply made to SEZ
Refund of ITC
GST on fees paid to Airport Authority under Concession Agreement
ITC paid under protest
Un-utilized ITC of ISD
Unutilized ITC
Verification of genuineness of suppliers not mandatory
Refund w.r.t. exports
Exports made through foreign post offices
Exports on consignment/exhibit basis
Rejection of Refund
Rejected on ground of technical glitches and system error
Rejected without considering pleading
Rejected without giving opportunity of being heard
Rejected without rendering any reasons
Serious charges against applicant
Time barring assessments
Unutilized ITC arising on account of inverted duty structure
Withholding of Refund
Non-transmission of data during change in indirect tax regime
Reasons for withholding refund
Refund shall adversely affecting Revenue
Registration under GST
Application, Verification of application, Approval, Issue of certificate
Amendment to registration application
Granting second registration
Provisional registration
Registration at port of import
Registration at the place of execution of works contract
Seeking clarification on any information
Separate Registration- Separate Accounts maintained for premises
Separate registrations
Separate registrations - Imported goods stored in multiple godowns in different states
Separate registrations - Liasion Office and Head Office
Separate registrations - Multiple companies functioning in a ‘co-working space’
Transfer of Registration
Cancellation of registration
Assessee's application to cancel registration
Blocking of GST Account
Condonation of delay in filing application
Demise of Taxpayer
Discontinuing business from registered premise
Inadvertent Mistake
Issue of bill/invoice without supply
Non-furnishing of returns
Retrospective cancellation of registration
Revocation of Cancellation of registration
Suspension of Registration
Technical Glitches
To the extent of completion of supplies
Vague and imprecise grounds
Vague Show Cause Notice
Voluntary GSTIN surrender
Migration from VAT to GST regime
Persons liable for registration
APMC agent
Association of persons - Co-owners of immovable Property
Casual taxable person and non-resident taxable person
Charitable Trust
Co-owners of Rented Property
Companies undergoing corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP)
Compulsory registration
E-commerce operator
Educational Institution
GST liability under reverse charge mechanism
Intends to distribute credit of tax paid
Liasion Office
Liquidator (NCLT Appointed)
Person engaged in exempt supplies
Persons liable to deduct tax (TDS)
Procedure for registration
Registration for works contract
Supply on behalf of other taxable person
Scope of Aggregate Turnover
Inclusion of Exempt income
Repeal and saving
Advertisement Tax
Assessment Proceedings under VAT post GST
Entertainment Tax
Entry Tax Act
Luxury tax
Promissory Estoppel
Rights once acquired cannot be taken away
Service Tax
Imports under Advance Authorisation
Interim Relief/Stay in case of writ
Deposit of principal profiteered amount in installments
Interim Stay Granted
Stay of NAA order
Recovery of ITC basis forms mismatch
Stay against Retrospective' applicability of Section 50
Stay Granted
Transitional Credit
Interim Stay
Tax Invoice, Credit and Debit Notes, Maintenance of books
Amount of tax to be indicated in tax invoice
Credit Notes
Discount received in form of credit notes
Debit Note
Financial Year considered to be year of original invoice issuance
Maintain separate registers and books of accounts of different activities under same premises
Non submission of GST Bills
Direction to release payment when completion certificate stands granted
Raising of invoice at Headquarters for clearing invoice at various ports
Tax Invoice
Amendments / Corrections to Invoices
Deduction of subsidy amount
Time limit for issuance of credit notes
Taxability of composite supply
Activities under single tender document
Cost Centres supplying independent goods/ services
Administration of COVID-19 vaccine
Air-conditioning work
Back office services
Billing of services in common invoice
Blasting activity carried out using explosives
Commissioning / Instalment Services
Complementary Weaning Food Containing Amylase
Bid Price consisting of transportation / delivery service
Composite agricultural supplies
Custom milling and transportation of red gram dal
Custom milling, transportation of paddy and rice
Milling of food grains
Rejected paddy / Damaged paddy
Service of crushing food grains
Composite Health care services
Medicines supplied to out-patients
Medicines, consumable, implants, room on rent to inhouse patients
Medicines, surgical goods supplied to in-patients
Composite supply of Implementing and maintenance of ‘Video Conferencing’ (VC) software
Consultancy and support services
Marine consultancy services
Contract packing of tea bags
Contracts having cross fall breach provisions
Freight charges recovered while supply, laying and terminating cable packages
Cutting and removal of standing live trees to obtain logs
Development of fisheries
Establishment of Facility at ISRO Propulsion Complex for Satellite
Evacuation and disposal of settled ash from the ash ponds/decantation ponds
Events exhibitions conventions
Sponsorship and Brand Promotion packages
Freight & Insurance Charges
Gear Motors
Goods Supplied along with Freight/ Insurance
OIDAR services
OIDAR services to government entity
OIDAR services to persons outside taxable territory
OIDAR services to unregistered persons for purposes other than commerce, industry, business or profession
Online exam tests held at exam centre, requiring essay writing
Online exam tests held with more than minimum human intervention
Online exam tests with intervention of administrator/exam supervisor
Online exam tests held with minimum human intervention
Principal agent relationship
Recipient and Service Provider are not same
Repairs and servicing of defective parts, warranty
Repairs for boats/vessels along-with supply of spares and accessories
Restaurant Services and hotels
Supply of bakery items, ice-creams from premises of manufacturer
Supply of Soft beverages / aerated water from the restaurant menu
Take away packed food
Sale and/or supply of live honey bees
Sale of application, registration of course, inspection, etc. with affiliation of the institution / course
Sale of land and super structure
Sale of windmills along with accessories
Selling of space in Print media
Service of installation/up-gradation & training
Supplies to Government / Government entity / Government Agencies
Conservancy/solid waste management services
Construction / erection / commissioning / installation of original works
Construction services to National Centre for Biological Science (receiving grants from GoI’s Department of Atomic Energy)
Construction, erection, commissioning of a residential complex
Drilling, energizing bore wells
Drilling/blast works for Tunnel Construction
Original 'works contract' of extension of runway, construction of new apron, taxi track, isolation bay for Airport Authority of India
Original works contract of Completion, erection, installation, and commissioning of an immovable property for electricity suppliers
Original works contract of Power supply infrastructure
Provision of manpower for support services
Purchase & Sale of Timber
Supply to government aided school
Transportation of Sand
Supply of 'Submersible pumps' along with installation, etc.
Supply of bus bodies
Supply of bus body along with fabricating, fitting on chasis
Supply of ink with imaging products
Supply of installation, O&M for street lighting
Supply of installation, O&M of Drinking Water Plant Project
Supply of LED dimmable street lights and fixtures, installation, commissioning, operations not works contract
Supply of printing services
Job-work of printing
Printing on book/journal/periodical
Printing on duplex board
Printing on Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) banners
Supply of paper/paper-boards with printing services
Supply of ‘solar rooftop power plant'/'solar irrigation water pumping systems’
Supply, Erection, O&M of solar plant
Supply, testing, commissioning, installation of Chillers / Refrigerator
Support services for conducting examination for foreign institutes
Taxability of composite works contract
Activities of Electricity Department
Activity of O&M of Fluoride Control Project constitutes work contract
Beautification of streets including Streetscape Design, Landscaping and Intersection Redesign
Civil work performed by sub-contractor
Civil work performed by sub-contractor for the Railways
Construction of multi-storied office building for Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation (APSFC)
Construction of pooling sub-station, transmission lines, associated feeder bay work on total turnkey basis for a developer of solar project park
Construction of roads and bridges design, build, operate and transfer (DBOT) basis
Construction of Sports complex for State
Construction of water distribution networks and O&M for water loss management
Construction predominantly involving earthworks
Conversion of railway tracks
Design, commissioning of Wind Tunnel
Design, installation, commissioning and testing of solar energy based water pumping systems and a comprehensive O&M work
Earth Work
EPC contract
EPC contract for electric cable supply
Erection, commissioning, installation of supervisory control and data acquisition system, for 'metro-operation'
Establishment of Facility at ISRO Propulsion Complex for Satellite
Filling in the compound, tank, low land, etc. with silver sand and earthwork in layers including spreading and compacting
Indivisible contracts
Maintenance and repairs service
Maintenance of railway tracks
O&M of Fluoride Control Project on ESCO model and O&M work
O&M of structures & sewer lines, staff quarters, pump chamber, boundary wall, distribution system, tube walls, pumping machinery
Original Works'
Private railway siding construction
Separate set of contracts for works supplies and commissioning installation etc
Setting up of telecom network
Submersible pumps' along with installation
Supply of Automatic Fare Collection System for Buses
Supply of rural electricity infrastructure to State Government
Supply, installation, Commissioning and maintenance of Solar Water Pumping systems
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Supply of Relay & Protection Panels and Substation Automation System
Taxability of original works
Transportation as part of cable package supply
Transportation for EPC contract for construction of solar power plant
Turnkey EPC contract for 'solar power plant' erection
Turnkey EPC contract for solar plant construction
Works contract for supply, erection, testing and commissioning, installation of a waste-water treatment plant
Works contract for supply, erection, testing and commissioning, installation, preventive/ breakdown maintenance by Electricity Department
Taxability of naturally bundled services
Taxability of supplies provided with facility & property management services
Transportation services naturally bundled with supply of goods
Turnkey Contracts
Design / manufacture / test / deliver / install /complete / commission facilities for conversion of existing LT network into High Voltage Distribution System
Whether Business or Commerce
Taxability of Goods
Continuous supply of goods
electricity supply
Contract Manufacturing of Beer
Definition of ' Goods '
Depositing timber with Government
Extra Neutral Alcohol
Musical instruments like ‘Electrically operated Drum with Bell and Zalar’
Not indigenous/handmade musical instruments
Pre-packaged and labelled packages with quantity upto 25 Kgs
Return of galvanized goods from the job worker
Roof ventilators not comparable to windmills
Sale of Books
Sale of Religious Books
Sale of Religious Books to Madarasas
Sale of LPG
Sale of LPG to commercial customers
Sale of LPG to domestic customers
Taxability of LPG sale pre- January 2018
Sale of ready-to-use sand
Sale of scrap
Sale of cash carry vans
Sales through duty free shops (Airports)
Supply of computer software
Supply of Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) / Rectified Spirit (RS)
Supply of goods bearing a registered brand name
Supply of goods in unit container
Taxability of services
Accommodation services to Municipal Corp. for conducting General Elections
Activities in furtherance of supplier's business
Agent services
Collection and remittance of exam fee by coaching service provider from students to respective institutions
Disbursement of salary on behalf of foreign entity
Facilitating purchase and sale
Fees collected on behalf of Govt
Kacha Arhtiya
Parking space facilitation to employee
Provision of services as 'agent' to Indian Principals foreign client"
Pure Agent
Relocation of employees of client
Annual Maintenance Contract
Auctioneer service
Automatic Identification systems used in Global Maritime Distress Safety System
Bifurcation of Services
Body building and mounting of body on chassis
Brewing or Distilling Dregs & Waste
Brokerage and securities charged by a stock broker
Interest, late fee or penalty taxable at rate of principal supply
CCTV based City Surveillance System
Cheque bounce / dishonor charges
Commission for rendering service of holding bet
E-commerce operators/services
Facilitation of platforms for travellers and drivers
Online Puja Services
Services by drivers through e-commerce operators
Environmental protection services
Plantation of mangrove seeds and seedlings
Facilitation services
Fees collected for occupation of vacant land
Functions of Government authorities under Article 243G
maintenance of community assets
Welfare of weaker sections
Functions of Municipality under Article 243W
Activities in furtherance of irrigation
Cleaning of roads, gardens, toilets, etc.
Collection of fee from parks, fish market, bus stand entrance
Construction of Mayors residence
Indoor Recreation Centre
Management services for sewerage projects
Promoting urban forestry, protection of environment and ecology
Promotion of cultural, educational and aesthetic aspects
Slaughter House
Town development
Urban transportation
GST on Bonus paid
GST on fringe benefits to employees
Canteen Services
GST on liquidated damages
GST payable on membership fee
Hospitality Services
Boarding and Lodging Facilities
Imparting technical training to apprentices, students and unskilled workers
Income earned from conducting Guest Lectures
Information Technology Services
Post-sale technical support services
Inspection performed in India on goods sold to foreign buyer
Interest charged for delay in delivery of goods
Interest earned on short term loan
Interest on credit card services
Interest component of EMI on loan availed against credit-card
Intermediary Services
Back-end services to facilitate the business of foreign entity
BPO services
Design and Development of patterns used for manufacturing
Employment services
Facilitation of transport for employees of customer
Marketing & pre-sales technical support services
Marketing Consulting Service
Marketing/ Promotion Service
On roll conversion charges
Procurement Operations and Procurement Transformation & Central Services
Promotion of foreign university courses
Reimbursement of trainee stipend to trainers
Scope of 'Intermediary Services'
Services of Independent sales personnel
Support services
Interpretation of the term 'business'
Brand fee in lieu of grant right to manufacture and sell branded beer
Location of service recipient
Location of immovable property is outside India
Manufacture and enrichment of fuel by Nuclear Fuel Complex
Motion picture production service
Non-Air Conditioned Contract Carriage
Supply of Motor-vehicles to Indian Army
Other services and other miscellaneous services including services nowhere else classified
Outsourcing portion of manufacturing process
Penal charges for delayed EMI payments
Post supply services
Principal and Ancillary Supply
Prize money constitutes consideration
Pure Services
Architectural services for restoration/repairs
Leasing of government owned land to municipal corporation
Local area development fund collected from solar power developers
Mapping services to aid town planning
Parking space facilitation to employee
Parks and Landscaping work
Project Management Consultancy Services
Project Management Consultancy Services without supply of goods
Project Management Services for sewerage
Resuscitation of river
Services empowering rural Artists and Artisans
Recovery of cost incurred on behalf of employees not supply of service
Rendering Online/Offline Tendering
Repair/ Servicing of products owned by others
Reverse Charge
Salary to Directors
Sale of residential flats
Sale of flat camouflaged as lease
Security and Scavenging Services
Security services
Services by Association to Members
Principle of 'double taxation'
Services by Co-operative Bank to Demat account holders against interest free refundable security deposit
Services by government
E-procurement services
Metro Rail consultancy services
Services by Industrial Development Corporation
Securing orderly establishment and organisation of industries
Services of rejuvenation of river, including area development on turnkey
Services offered to members of club
Supply of food at restaurant/ Social events in club
services provided w.r.t. Citizen Facilitation Centres (CFCs)/Collection Centres
Services rendered to Customs Bonded Warehouse
Services to Municipal corporation
Architectural consultancy services to Municipal corporation for museum project
Conservancy/solid waste management services provided to Municipal Corporation
Street Lighting Services
Software Development Services
Supervision of the handling & transportation of agriculture produce
Supervisory Services of loading, transportation and unloading
Supply not qualifying as 'business'
Supply of agricultural produce
Supply of labour force to main-contractor without material
Supply of Manpower Services
Tax on wages, salaries, EPF, ESI reimbursed
Supply of manufacturing service on physical inputs (goods) owned by others
Supply of ornate advertisement space
Supply of Printing Services
Printing question papers to entities other than educational institutions
Supply of Water
Taxability of Administrative Services
Appointing Doctors, Nursing Staffs and Ambulances
Taxability of catering service
Catering service
Catering service to educational institutions
Catering services
Outdoor catering service
Supplies to Office Canteens
Supply of food and beverages to passengers at railway platforms
Supply of food and beverages to passengers onboard train
Supply of ice cream
Taxability of Construction Service
Development Charges and Legal Fees
Hostel Construction Service
Preferential location charges for car parking space
Right to car parking space
Sale of developed plots
Taxability of Leasing Service
Importation of lease services
Leasing of Cold storage facility
Taxability of passenger transport services
Bus Rental Services
Houseboats used for overnight cruises and day trips
Rent-a-cab service
Taxi aggregator services
Transport services to employees of customer
Taxability of royalty payments
Iron Ore Extraction Service
Taxability of Salary Payment to Partner of Partnership firm
Taxability of transport services
Cost of diesel provided by service recipient
Issuance of Consignment Note / Lorry receipts constitutes Goods Transport service
Issuance of LR / GR / consignment note
Services of providing vehicles on hire basis to another GTA
Telecom services provided to Foreign Telecom Operators
Telephone service
Time of Supply
Totalisator service
Transfer of business assets
Transfer of under-construction project as going concern
Transfer of Land development rights
Transportation of goods by inland waterways
Arabian sea
Google earth map
Transportation of goods from port to General Lighterage area
Works contract
Business/commercial purposes
Construction of oil pipeline between India and Bangladesh
Design, fabrication, procurement, integration, control and commissioning of Trisonic Wind Tunnel with Ejector System
Development and construction for Airport authority of India
Erection of series of transmission towers linked together by power line
Inland Waterways Authority of India
Installation of car parking system
Laying of Optical Fiber Cable Network
Laying of underground pipeline network
Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Treatment and disposal plant
Operation, guarding of water pump-house
Retro fitting, restoration services of civil structures for Government
Subcontract for civil construction of independent houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Subcontract for civil construction of residential complex/houses for Government
Subcontract for construction for Government
Supply of Pouch filling machine for packing milk
Supply of Solar Power Generating system
Supply, design, installation, commissioning and testing of solar energy based water pumping system
Supply, erection, installation, commissioning and testing of UPS system
Surveillance system/network for BSNL
System improvement for conversion of LT network into High voltage Distribution system
Taxability of Components/spares supplied in Sale-in-Transit
Taxability of Mobilization Advance towards works contract
‘Testing & commissioning’ of pipelines laid pre-July 2017
‘Hostel accommodation’ provided by trusts
Taxability of supplies
Act of forbearance
Complimentary tickets
Actionable claims
Forfeited royalty reward points
Gift Vouchers
Profit Sharing Agreement between employee and shareholders
Activites/ transactions to be treated as supply of goods or supply of services
Compensation for alternate accommodation during redevelopment
Conducting marathon for charitable purpose
Execution of works requiring modification/augmentation/shifting/additions to the transmission system of RVPN
Incidental/ancillary activities of charitable organizations
Land and Building
Penal Interest received by NBFC
Prepaid instruments
Printing of advertisement
Service tax w.r.t. minimum average balance in banks
Trading, Commodity derivatives
Transfer of business assets
Transfer of Capital goods
Transfer of title of goods
Work executed by taxpayer vs. Work executed by the consumer/intending agency under supervision of taxpayer
Activities without consideration
Transaction between principal and agent
Activities/ Transactions which are neither supply of goods nor services
Accounting entry in books of Indian Project Office for salary cost of Expat employees paid by the Foreign Head Office
Actionable claims, other than lottery, betting and gambling
Activities undertaken by Central Government / State Government / Local Authority
Compensation paid to lessor for vacating its claim
Construction of immovables
Employer Employee relationship
High Sea Sales
Notice pay recoveries
Prepaid Instruments
Profit Sharing Agreement between applicant as an employee and shareholders
Reimbursement of expenses to employees
Salary to Employees
Salary to partners
Sale of immovables
Supply from bonded warehouse
Affordable Housing Project
Consider as 'Ongoing Project'
Inapplicability of RERA definition
Agreeing to the obligation to refrain from an act; or tolerating an act or situation; or doing an act
Buyout of notice period by employee
Cancellation charges levied by Taxi aggregator service providers
Compensation for relinquishment of lease right
Compensation for vacating premises for redevelopment
Definition of "Easement"
Delayed possession under redevelopment
Leasing of a pathway to reach leasee's dwelling unit by Chennai Metro Rail Ltd
Receiving payment after a lapse of a period
Supervision Fee’ for electricity-line installation
Agriculture / Agro services
Agriculture / Agro services: Storage / warehousing of agricultural produce
Commission agent services
Definition of 'Agriculture Produce'
Pre-conditioning or Pre-cooling processes
Supply of agricultural produce : Post-harvest crop services
Supply of agricultural produce: Rearing of animals/ poultry farming
Supply of agricultural produce: Storing fresh eggs
Supply of agricultural produce: “Logging” of trees not yielding any ‘agricultural produce’
Support Services: Cold, Deep Freeze and Controlled Atmosphere Storage
Taxability of Mortgage charges, Lien fee, Stock transfer fee
Applicability of exemption
Agricultural activities - Agricultural Extension Services
Agricultural activities - Agricultural Produce Marketing service
Agricultural activities - Agricultural Soil testing Minilab and its Reagent Refills
Agricultural activities - Cold Storage Service for Agriculture Produce
Agricultural activities - Inspection and testing of agricultural produce
Agricultural activities - Rental payment to government for land use
Agricultural activities - Supply of agricultural produce (exempt) of farmers
Charitable work
Charitable work - Charitable activities involving preservation of environment
Charitable work - Providing shelter to abandoned, orphaned or homeless children and facilitating the adoption of the children
Conditional exemption to intra-state supply of goods
Construction Services for water-metro project
Contract Carriage Services
Cultivation of plants or rearing of animals by way of renting or leasing of vacant land with or without structures
Denied - Non furnishing GSTIN
Drilling bore wells and energization
Duty free import authorization license
Education : Approved vocational education course
Education : Coaching, accommodation, textbook facility to CA/CS students
Education : Educational Services
Education : Educational Services (ancillary services rendered by educational institutions)
Education : Educational Services (not eligible for exemption)
Education : Educational Services by National Council of Vocational trainings / Jan Shikshan Sanstan
Education : Free of cost education kit supplied to students of government-aided schools
Education : Paid Education Content
Education : Services provided by 'Educational institutions' in affiliation with specified university
Education : Services to educational institute
Education : Services to educational institute (Courses offered by IIM)
Education : Services to educational institute (Educational conference/ gathering of students, faculty, and staff of other schools)
Education : Services to educational institute (Executive Post Graduate Programme by IIM)
Education : Services to educational institute (Facilitation of exams electronically)
Education : Services to educational institute (like catering, security, cleaning, house-keeping, transportation)
Education : Services to educational institute (Long duration post-graduate diploma/degree-granting programmes by IIM)
Education : Services to educational institute (Printing of Pre/Post-examination item)
Education : Supply of slates for educational purposes
Education : Training programmes approved by National Skill Development Corporation
Essential commodity
Exempt services
Exemption not extended to subcontractors on par with main contractors
Exemption of Capital goods
Exemption on high seas sales
Exemption on Supply to public funded research institution
Food - Packaged food with brand name/without brand name
Food - Packaged frozen seafood with brand name/without brand name
Geophysical survey investigation
Goods and services supplied by Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture
Health care : Diagnostic services to hospitals
Health care : Disability equipments / mobility devices for the aid of persons with disabilities
Health care : Health care services
Health care : Health care services not qualifying as 'Clinical establishments'
Health care : Hospitals for employees
Health care : Medicines, consumables, etc. supplied to ‘in-patients’
Health care : Supply for purely academic and research purpose
Health care : Supply of food to patients
Health care : Wellness facilities (Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga and meditation, Physiotherapy and Special therapy)
Hospitality Services - Declared Tariff of Accommodation < Rs. 1000
Import through OEM agents
Interest on short term loans extended to creditors
Lease of government land
Leasing of residential property
Leasing property to Hospitals
Legal Services provided by Advocates
Loading/Unloading of agriculture produce harvested in foreign land
Loan to related government entity without processing fees
Minor irrigation, water management and watershed development
Movement of goods from refinery to export warehouse
Non-commercial Research Institutions' local purchases
Organizing seminars and symposiums
Pluralities of exemptions
Potable water arising after treatment of raw-water
Promotion of research
Protection of Environment ‘Road’/’Fire Services
Publishing of online research journal
Puja Samagri
Pure labour contract services for construction under PMAY
Purified water in sealed /unsealed container
Readymade Khadi garments sold through Khadi and Village Industries Commission
Renting of residential dwelling for use as residence
Road construction by subcontractors
Sale of goods warehoused in Free Trade Warehousing Zone on ‘as is where is’ basis
Securities contract / Forward contracts
Service of testing on Cattle feed
Services to government
Services to government - Security of a Transport Undertaking
Services to government - Communication Satellite Transponders
Services to government - Development of fisheries
Services to government - development of irrigation and waterways
Services to government - Excavation and transportation service for shifting waste
Services to government - irrigation, water management and watershed development, development of roads and bridges
Services to government - Project management services for sewerage
Services to government - Services by IIT Mumbai
Services to government - Skill development and training
Services to government - Sub-contract of services
Services to government - Sub-contract of services provided by Government entity
Services to government - Supply of landscaping and gardening activities
Services to government- Printing of text books/stationery items
Services to government- Renting of Immovable Property
Services to government- supply of labour, cleaning staff, data entry operators/helpers/teachers
Services to government- Supply of Tertiary Treated Water
Sourcing agri-produce on commission basis
Strict interpretation of exemption notification
Supplies under ' brand ' name
Supply of agricultural produce : Processes carried at Agriculture Farm
Supply of agricultural produce : Removal of impurities from agricultural produce
Supply of agricultural produce : Supply of farm labour
Supply of Cattle feed
Supply of facility management services such as security, cleaning, housekeeping and sweeping services to Government Hospitals
Supply of liquor
Supply to government - Construction Services to State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation
Supply to Public distribution system/ fair price shops
Supply to public funded research institution, specified Universities, research institutions, Departments and laboratories of the Government and Cancer Institute
Support services to agriculture, forestry, fishing, animal husbandry
Support Services to agriculture- Loading/Unloading, Packing, Storage or Warehousing
Toll charge - Annuity payment for highway construction
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Ancillary services
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Cheque dishonor recovered from customers
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Delayed payment recovered from customers
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Electricity distribution
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Interest/late fee/penalty payment fees for electricity
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Matter sub-judice
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Non-tariff charges recovered from customers
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Recovery of non-tariff, delayed charges
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Related services
Transmission / distribution of electricity - Supply and distribution of electricity
Transport of Passengers by Non-Contract Carriage
Unbranded bio-fertilizer / organic manure
Value of goods in composite supply does not exceed 25% of value of supply
Warehousing services for tea
Waste Management Services
Water supply by state water supply board
‘Annuity’ received during O&M phase
Applicability of Margin Scheme
Applicability of margin scheme to antiques
Applicability of margin scheme to paintings
Applicability of margin scheme to second-hand jewellery
Applicability of margin scheme where the goods may also be covered under specific HSN
Scope of Margin Scheme
Borrowing cost
Naturally Bundled
Canteen service
Canteen facility for contractual workers
Canteen in SEZ area
Distribution of coupons to employees at subsidized price
Supply and distribution of goods to company employees
Supply of food by caterer to company, further distributed among employees
Choice of rate
Civil work performed by sub-contractor
Civil work performed by sub-contractor for the Railways
Commission income from corporate guarantees
Composite Supply vs. Mixed Supply
Composite Supply vs. Mixed Supply
Take or Pay charges
‘ Relocation Management Services ’
Composition Scheme
Twin supply of goods & services
Concessional Rate Notification Application
Agricultural Produce
Bulk drug for injections
Bulk drug used as intermediary goods
Cheque dishonour charges
Concessional Rate of Tax for ‘Affordable Housing Scheme’
Concessional Rate of tax for export of fertilizers
Concessional Rate of tax for work on small hydro-electric project on existing dam
Conditions for applicability of concessional rate